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Moonshadow Crystal

Mookaite Raw

Regular price £3.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £3.00 GBP
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Mookaite is an Australian Jasper originating in Western Australia. It is a very protective stone with strong connections to Mother Earth and grounding energies. Mookaite boosts motivation, energy and vitality. Mookaite calms nerves and brings us back to a neutral pace allowing us to notice the energy of our environment. It will help you to be positive and enjoy life. 

You will receive 1 Mookaite Raw chosen intuitively for you, and may range in size and colour as each piece is unique. 

Quality: Relaxing, Appreciative, Reflective
Chakra: Root, Sacral, Heart
Focus: Calming nerves, Slowing down, Cultivating deeper meaning, Reorienting perspective