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Moonshadow Crystal

Chakra Energy Kit

Regular price $16.00 USD
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Chakra Energy Kit with Quartz Point Stone

Cedar Smudge Wand with Chakra Coloured Petals- Cedar is often used for attracting positive energy and clearing the negative, and providing the user strength and protection. In Native American traditions, Cedar is used to carry prayers to the creator. 

Palo Santo Stick - A natural wood incense used for centuries, when burned it is believed to have natural healing powers to help remove stress and emotional trauma.

Quartz Point Stone - They radiate their energies outwards to cleanse, open, align, and activate all chakras. An excellent stone for spiritual growth, Quartz Point amplifies intention as it attunes you to your higher self. 

Selenite Crystal Wand - Selenite is used to remove energy blockages from the body, as well as to purify your space and cleanse the aura. Selenite is also believed to offer increase clarity and inner peace.